Friday, March 30, 2018

Is building a wall the answer?

America is known for its opportunities and the diversity from immigrants all over the world. People come the United States for opportunities for a better life. By building a wall to make a barrier for immigrants to stay out is probably not the best way to do so. Yes, some immigrants can bring problems with them when they cross the country but that does not mean all immigrants are bad. We live in a diverse world and everybody has a different background and different view of points and it will only get worse because of how we lean towards a universal economy. Keeping them out and separating them will not solve anything. Maybe its time we gather around and understand the different.
Not only the wall will separate and make a barrier for the people, but it will also have an effect on the environment where they will be building the wall. The wall might have to be building on a National Wildlife refuge destroying the wildlife that lives in the area. The wall that separates the border currently is about 2000 miles that blocks people to get though. There is no fencing about 1300 miles due to having Rio Grande forming a natural border. However the river can be crossed in many different ways. But by building a wall in a river can be a cause for flooding and other natural disasters.

The funding for the wall can be another problem. The white house has requested 1.6 billion dollars to build a 74 miles boarder wall to start with. Over all they are looking around 18 billion for a wall covering 722 miles. To spend 18 billion on a wall looks like a big risk to take for the government. They might be looking too narrow on the problem we face today in the United States. There are other options to spend such money, such as medical issues and much more. Building a wall and shutting people out is not the only solution we have. Shutting people out of our country will somewhat influence others thoughts on how they see America all together.  Some immigrants and having such diversity can somewhat cause problems but maybe it is because we all label them the way we do. Why stop labeling and comparing them and just see them as individuals.

Is building a wall the answer?

America is known for its opportunities and the diversity from immigrants all over the world. People come the United States for opportunitie...